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Books Are the Only Way to Gain Knowledge

Yeah I know that the essay is a little too long, but the requirement is that the writing should be more than 900 words long :D

Hope to receive your straightforward comments. Thanks in advance :)

Topic: The renowned Indian Philosopher J. Krishnamurti said: "There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning." Smart man, Krishnamurti.
It has also been said, "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?

Learning is the activity that all of us have to do during our life. We [STRIKE]have been[/STRIKE] learn[STRIKE]ing[/STRIKE] from the moment we are born to the moment we die ; this is the only way for us to survive and live normally in this world. Many people attend schools to gain knowledge, whereas others gain their knowledge from their experience in life . B oth ways provide us with much valuable knowledge. However, in my opinion, I think that experience is the more important source of knowledge.
Look up comma splices [In English, you can't join two sentences with a comma]. Once you understand what they are, stop doing it! Examples corrected in red above. I won't bother correcting them all.

A philosopher from India [You should name him] said that: "There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning." Learning is a process in which you try to get certain knowledge for predetermined purposes. [The purpose of learning is not always predetermined.]
It is undeniable that we learn all the time we breathe, a baby when given birth learns to cry to, find shelter and milk; then some months or years later, he learns how to crawl, walk, and run; after several years of learning basic surviving skills, he enters the world of wider and deeper knowledge, and uses it as an essential part of his life ever after. But academic knowledge is not all, [Most of the above paragraph is not academic knowledge] and it has also been said: "Not everything that is learned is contained in books." A book can give you moments of relaxation and famous sayings but it cannot provide you the deep understanding of life; neither passing an examination nor finishing with education can make you be ready to encounter the difficulties of [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] real life. Qualifications are a record of what you have learned, but they are not relevant to most of what you need to know to live normally in this world. Remembering theories is not all, you need to look for ways to apply it to your real job and your everyday life, that is when you are learning.

Similarly, knowledge from books and knowledge from experience have the same source, which is [STRIKE]the[/STRIKE] real life. While experience is what people get from the world around them, books are records of it. Humans have never stopped watching and thinking about things around them and they have tried to preserve the knowledge they got in many ways, including books. People from all over the world have gone many places and seen many things, they have written about these so that they can preserve the knowledge they have to get with a great deal of effort, and that later generation can use this information. As a result, by reading books, readers know about many places that they have never been to; an Asian person can see the Eiffel Tower and know its details through photographs and information in books; a student can know about theories that were set up by ancient scientists, who lived thousands of years before them. Mankind's knowledge takes root from life, and life is an endless source of knowledge that needs to be explored, inspiring people and making them learn non-stop.

However, knowledge gained from books cannot be compared with that gained from experience. I say that because books provide us with many theories and conception, but they cannot give us opportunities to practice those things. [Isn't that a comparison? Be careful of saying that two things can't be compared, and then comparing them.] People say that "Practice makes perfect", indeed, only by practicing can you deeply understand what are mentioned in books, we can see what we read with our own eyes, this can excite us and make us more engaged in the knowledge that we have read. Both books and experiences provide us with knowledge, but the ways we approach the knowledge are different and what we get are different, too.
[Read to here. Getting a bit boring]

Books contain knowledge which is arranged and selected carefully from what authors think about real life. So they are easy to follow and understood. When reading books, readers only need to understand what is demonstrated on papers. In contrast, when actually practice in your real life, you need to observe, think and brainstorm very much to get the quintessential information. Nevertheless, even when you can carry out the process of practicing smoothly, you may still draw a wrong conclusion, and no one can tell you about that, all you can do is compare your result with the real life so that you can realize the mistake. The risk of getting wrong conception is apparent, which makes practicing for experiences the most interesting yet difficult way to get knowledge.

Everyone can have books, books are everywhere. You can buy books in bookstores without difficulties, just select and pay for them. Also, you can learn from books, and what you learn from this source can be gained from other people such as your teachers, your parents, your friends or even strange people. Because knowledge from books is gained from what people see and hear from the real life, anyway, it is motionless knowledge and you get it in a passive way. In contrast, the knowledge from experience requires you to go much, practice much and think much, such effort creates real knowledge, and you can gain it actively. Experience cannot be bought, you need to think about it, practice and produce it yourself. If experience is seen as a purchasable item, then the money used to buy it is not made from paper or zinc, but time and effort. The knowledge from books and that from experience are gained at different measures of difficulty, but what you gained from books is nothing compared to those from experiences, you always remember what you have to get with much effort for a longer period of time and in a deeper way.

However, knowledge from experience and knowledge from books have a relationship and they support each other. Actually, books are attached to experience, they cannot be created or even thought of without experience, just because they are products of experience and the motivation that forces people to preserve knowledge for future use. But how do books support experience? When you practice something, you get experience, but to know whether your experience is correct or not, besides verifying it through real life, you may also look for it in books and compare between your conclusion and theories in books. This way, you can use old and certain knowledge to confirm the new and uncertain one.

Books Are the Only Way to Gain Knowledge
